I set the shutter speed to 1/250th and dialed down the aperture to get a decent exposure in the building in the background that had a lot of hot-white surfaces. In order to balance the exposure on the subjects, I needed a full burst from my SB-800. The problem with that is it takes a good while for the flash to cycle at full burst. So I tried something I haven't tried before and used a spare umbrella adapter on the Westcott 60" umbrella shaft to mount an additional SB-600 flash. I could set the flashes to half power and get the same power with more on tap if needed and a much faster cycle time between shots. It worked like a dream.
I now see the appeal of something like the Lastolite Triflash Sync that David Hobby reviewed on the strobist. I had to use two PocketWizard II's to fire my flashes. It would have been nice to just be able to use just one trigger for both (or more).
I used the Nikon D700 for all of these images and most of them I shot with the Nikkor 35-70mm f2.8. The more I use this lens, the more I like it. It is clunky and old, a lot of the marks have been worn away and it is noisy but it is so sharp. But for the pictures above and below, I used the Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 VRI at a longer focal length to get more isolation for the tighter compositions.
The whole session was only about 20 minutes but with this setup and two lenses, I could get a good variety of shots which is important. Even though the impending need for these images were for business cards, you never know when you will be able to get these people in front of you again. You are much better off thinking of future needs by taking a variety of shots including some with plenty of negative space if you ever need to drop in some copy for other marketing needs. You can view more from the set, you can see them here. These aren't going to change the world but it is what we needed and gave us some stock to use for other purposes in the future.